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Latest Headlines
From White House to Farmhouse
At Pleasant Valley Farm in Brookville, MD, four generations of the Stabler family have blended tradition and innovation to create a thriving, diversified Angus operation. Honored with the Ambassador Award at the 2024 Certified Angus Beef (CAB) Annual Conference, the Stablers exemplify a commitment to sustainable farming, community engagement and educational outreach. Their significant contributions to the hosting on behalf of the CAB brand highlight their commitment and play a key role in receiving this award.
What’s Good for the Cattle, Is Good for the Wetlands
JY Ferry & Son, Inc., named the 2024 Certified Angus Beef Sustainability Award winner, exemplifies how sustainability in agriculture can bridge quality beef production, land stewardship, and wildlife management. At JY Ferry & Son, what’s good for the cattle is good for the wetlands—and good for the next generation of this multi-generational family business.
Humble Growth
Customers from around the world file into the Shamrock Shack beside their sale ring each spring and fall. They’re not just buying into Connealy cattle, but the customer-service guarantee. For getting that and a lot more right, Connealy Angus was recognized with the 2024 Seedstock Commitment to Excellence award.
Working for Premiums
The commercial Angus rancher from Collyer, Kansas, came back for daily homework in 1999 after a year at college. For 25 years now, he’s studied all the ways to grow his family’s W6 Cattle cow-calf herd with Angus at the base. Guided by data, Walt worked to improve the herd from zero Primes to averaging 60 percent. Learning what drives premiums prompted improvement.
Feeding Better Cattle Better
Not everyone is cut out to be a cattle feeder. It’s an art and a science that comes with a need to overcome risk. Wayne Carpenter fed his first pen of steers in 1980 and lost money. But he stuck with it. Today with their sons’ families, he and wife Leisha run the 15,000-head-capacity Carpenter Cattle Company.
Luling Foundation Earns 2024 Progressive Partner Award
Setting or rising, the sun casts golden hues over cattle grazing the Luling Foundation’s sprawling fields and invokes the weight of history and hope. Rooted in faith, quality and community, Davis’ legacy continues to flourish, reminding all of the profound impact one person’s vision can have.
CAB Insider
Dashboard Highlights Premiums and Discounts
In early August, USDA turned on a new internet dashboard tool providing user-friendly access to more detailed fed cattle pricing information. Using data already captured by the agency through Livestock Mandatory Reporting (LMR), the dashboard takes a big step in improving user access and utility of the data.
Don’t Fade the Trend
The Choice-Select price spread has long been held as the industry’s barometer for the differential in consumer demand for high-quality, well-marbled beef and the leaner counterpart consisting of only slight degrees of marbling. However, using the current Choice carcass premium to Select as a gauge for consumer demand is misleading.
Success Stories
Luling Foundation Earns 2024 Progressive Partner Award
Setting or rising, the sun casts golden hues over cattle grazing the Luling Foundation’s sprawling fields and invokes the weight of history and hope. Rooted in faith, quality and community, Davis’ legacy continues to flourish, reminding all of the profound impact one person’s vision can have.
More Than A Meat Scientist
On the surface, he’s a meat scientist. Others know him as a meats judging coach. Some call him “the father of instrument grading.” To those who’ve worked most closely with him, Dr. Glen Dolezal is much more.
You, Your Cows and Their Feed
Expert guidance from Dusty Abney at Cargill Animal Nutrition shares essential strategies for optimizing cattle nutrition during droughts, leading to healthier herds and increased profitability in challenging conditions.
Consumer Connection
Driving Demand: Retail
As the heavyweight champ in brand volume, retail accounts for 55% of total pounds sold, especially in fiscal 2020. But how is it done and how does it create more demand? CAB Director of Retail answers these questions and more.
Meating the Need
The pandemic has put the foodservice industry in a tough spot, but their grit and generosity overshadow hard times. Foodservice companies across the country are giving back by serving Certified Angus Beef® to their communities.
A translation de carne
Ana Luisa Verba is looking to drive demand for quality beef as the assistant director of marketing for Latin markets. By drawing on her own heritage, she is able to personally relate to the Latino community and create marketing materials that resonate to this group.