
Respect for the animals. Respect for the land. Respect for your fellow man. Respect isn’t just a word. You mean it, live it, breathe it, and at the end of the day, you swear by it.

Nebraska cattleman in pasture

Raised with Respect

Respect is the foundation upon which Certified Angus Beef producers and consumers find common ground. Producers respect the consumer’s need for high-quality beef raised right. Consumers want to know that producers are invested in sustainability, safety, and the best care for animals. Both want the same thing – respect for the animal and for each other.

And both want to be heard. Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) certification gives Angus cattle producers and consumers a voice that brings everyone to the table. It builds a connection. It says, “This matters.” Because in this industry, respect isn’t just something – it’s everything.

cab logo

Committed to care. Backed by BQA.


We know Angus producers are committed to raising the best beef the right way. We also know that Certified Angus Beef partners and consumers want to know more about how cattle are cared for. Of the 51% of consumers who have concerns about beef production, their greatest concern is animal welfare, compared to concerns about environmental impacts, antibiotic use, or hormones.[1]

For cattlemen and women who are raising beef to higher standards, becoming BQA certified is an easy, effective way to get credit for the care you’re already giving your livestock. BQA or equivalent programs verify your commitment to consumers. That’s why Certified Angus Beef is sharing your story to build stronger beef demand and increase consumer trust.

Footnote: [1] Consumer Beef Tracker, Jan-Dec 2021

These Aren’t Your Normal BQA Trainings

We’re rethinking BQA training. By partnering with Sysco for our Raised with Respect™ campaign, we’re working with key states, cattlemen’s associations and educators, we to bring you BQA education like you’ve never seen before. You’re guaranteed to enjoy a Certified Angus Beef ® brand meal while you network with other producers and industry experts.

Join us at a BQA event near you:

  • Join us after Feeding Quality Forum at Hy-Plains Feedyard for a free BQA Workshop. See their education and research center while hearing from industry experts Dr. A.J. Tarpoff and Dr. Bob Smith at this feedyard-focused BQA training. Sessions will also be available in Spanish. One attendee who completes BQA certification will win a Yeti cooler filled with Certified Angus Beef ® steaks. Plus, hear from special guest Coach Jerome Tang from Kansas State University men’s basketball.
  • Feedyards and ranches are encouraged to register their employees even if they only want to attend the BQA workshop. 
  • Tentative Agenda: 
    • 1:30 p.m.: Check-in
    • 2:00-2:30 p.m.: Welcome from CAB
    • 2:40-3:20 p.m.: Rotation 1
    • 3:30-4:10 p.m.: Rotation 2
    • 4:15-4:45 p.m.: BQA exam
    • 4:45-5:15 p.m.: Hear from Coach Jerome Tang
    • 5:15-7:00 p.m.: Celebrate getting BQA certified
  • Register here

BQA Training

  • When: Saturday, November 2, 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in conjunction with Angus Convention
  • Get BQA’d at Angus Convention
  • Registration is encouraged for the BQA Training when you register for Angus Convention, but walk-ins welcome.
  • Hear from Dr. Jason Smith, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension, about the best management practices with the most opportunity for improvement. Dr. Ty Lawrence, West Texas A&M University, will show examples of healthy vs condemned livers, lungs and injection site lesions found at packing plants.
  • The first 50 people at the BQA Training will receive a $100 voucher to shop at the Certified Angus Beef Store during Angus Convention.
  • Register for Angus Convention

BQA Bash

  • When: Saturday, November 2, 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. in conjunction with Angus Convention
  • You’re invited to celebrate raising beef the right way at the BQA Bash during Angus Convention. Enjoy live music by Big City Outlaws, food, drinks and fun during the celebration.
  • Bonus: We’re giving away a customized Standard Hat Works 100% Pure Beaver Black Hat.
  • Enjoy shoe shining and hat cleaning on us during the BQA Bash.
  • BQA certification not required to attend.
  • Register for Angus Convention

  • Our final BQA training will be at the 2025 Cattle Con. Join us if you’re in San Antonio in February for the convention.
  • Get BQA’d to be Eligible for a Custom Greeley Hat Works Hat and Hat Can
    • One Greeley Hat Works giveaway will go to a Cattle Con attendee who gets BQA certified during the BQA Certification: Rise to the Top session on Thursday, February 6 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. in the Demo Arena in the NCBA Trade Show. 
    • The other hat giveaway will go to an attendee who attends Continued Education (CE) sessions during Cattlemen’s College on Wednesday, February 5. To qualify, you must attend at least one session that counts towards CE credits and submit the questionnaire distributed at each session. To renew a BQA certificate at Cattle Con, you must attend three CE sessions as denoted by the BQA logo on the Cattlemen’s College schedule at Convention.NCBA.org/Education/Cattlemens-College.  
    • Continued Education was designed to renew a BQA certificate through credits achieved online at BQA.org or available sessions during Cattlemen’s College. This renewal option is only available to those who obtained a BQA certificate in the last four years. Anyone who has not been BQA’d in the last four years must attend an in-person BQA certification or complete the online modules.

Enter the Raised with Respect Sweepstakes

We’re giving away three big prizes to recognize your commitment to cattle care. All you need to enter is a current BQA certificate.


What You Can Win

All Weather Gator — Enter by February 14

Package includes 845R – XUV 845R John Deere Premium Cab Crossover Utility Vehicle.

Enter between December 16 and February 14. The winner will be randomly selected on Friday, February 14 at 3 p.m. Eastern time. The winner will be contacted to set up order and delivery details, expecting to receive the gator in late spring. 

Everyone who enters a current BQA certificate will receive beef sticks from Certified Angus Beef. Those who enter and do not win will remain in the running for giveaways that follow.

Not certified? Get BQA’d online in just a few hours.

Review the Sweepstakes Rules. Must live in the contiguous U.S., be 18 or older and have a current BQA certificate to be eligible.

Enter Now

John Deere Gator - Raised with Respect™ Sweepstakes Giveaway

More Than 1,500 Producers Certified

During the first year of Raised with Respect™, Certified Angus Beef and Sysco collaborated in key cattle production states to host a series of dynamic educational opportunities for thousands of cattlemen and women. Each of the 11 workshops were customized and coordinated with state entities who also had a vested interest in BQA and cattle care initiatives. States included Florida, Texas, Montana, Iowa, Nebraska, Kentucky, Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma and Ohio.

Through in-person events and promoting online BQA certification, more than 1,546 ranchers earned their BQA certification in the first year of the Raised with Respect™ campaign.



Raised with Respect™ is a campaign brought to you by Sysco and Certified Angus Beef to highlight the shared commitment to support farmers and ranchers and the entire beef community. By investing in BQA training, the partnership elevates the cattle industry’s work to address consumer concerns, reinforce trust, and ensure future demand for beef.