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Rob Shuey Joins Certified Angus Beef Board

Shuey knows the product and understands sales and how CAB partners view the brand. This extends internationally, given he retired from Tyson as the senior vice president of international fresh meats, lending him a global perspective for CAB’s licensed partners.

Raised with Respect™ Rewards Producers with Current BQA Certificates

Taking care of your herd is part of the job of every stockman, and it’s the right thing to do. While you’re not committed to cattle care for recognition, you could be rewarded for holding a current BQA certification. Through two incentive opportunities, CAB and Sysco are recognizing producers who go above and beyond to show commitment to their herd.

Chef Coats and Cowboy Hats

Two worlds collide, with one focused on raising the best beef and the other crafting dishes that honor it. This innovative program unites students from Johnson & Wales University and ranchers from across the United States, offering an immersive look at the beef industry.

Marbling, Feet and Fertility: Are they related?

The Angus breed has enough genetic diversity to allow breeders, and their commercial bull customers, to make progress across multiple traits simultaneously. One bloodline may be high in marbling but does not check the boxes you need for other traits. That does not mean marbling is the cause—it simply means your search for the ideal genetic pairing is not done.

Mark Ahearn Completes Term as CAB Board Chairman

Mark Ahearn admits his role as the chairman has meant a lot to him and his family. He expresses gratitude to those who believed in him throughout the past year and looks forward to seeing the future successes of the premium beef brand.

The Second-Best Sales Year for CAB

While the total fed cattle supply declined by 1.6%, this year a record 5.96 million carcasses, up 2.4%, were certified for the brand, with 37.4% of all Angus cattle meeting the brand’s strict quality standards. A record 730,000 carcasses qualified for Certified Angus Beef ® Prime.

Latest Headlines

Rob Shuey Joins Certified Angus Beef Board

Shuey knows the product and understands sales and how CAB partners view the brand. This extends internationally, given he retired from Tyson as the senior vice president of international fresh meats, lending him a global perspective for CAB’s licensed partners.

Raised with Respect™ Rewards Producers with Current BQA Certificates

Taking care of your herd is part of the job of every stockman, and it’s the right thing to do. While you’re not committed to cattle care for recognition, you could be rewarded for holding a current BQA certification. Through two incentive opportunities, CAB and Sysco are recognizing producers who go above and beyond to show commitment to their herd.

Chef Coats and Cowboy Hats

Two worlds collide, with one focused on raising the best beef and the other crafting dishes that honor it. This innovative program unites students from Johnson & Wales University and ranchers from across the United States, offering an immersive look at the beef industry.

Marbling, Feet and Fertility: Are they related?

The Angus breed has enough genetic diversity to allow breeders, and their commercial bull customers, to make progress across multiple traits simultaneously. One bloodline may be high in marbling but does not check the boxes you need for other traits. That does not mean marbling is the cause—it simply means your search for the ideal genetic pairing is not done.

Mark Ahearn Completes Term as CAB Board Chairman

Mark Ahearn admits his role as the chairman has meant a lot to him and his family. He expresses gratitude to those who believed in him throughout the past year and looks forward to seeing the future successes of the premium beef brand.

The Second-Best Sales Year for CAB

While the total fed cattle supply declined by 1.6%, this year a record 5.96 million carcasses, up 2.4%, were certified for the brand, with 37.4% of all Angus cattle meeting the brand’s strict quality standards. A record 730,000 carcasses qualified for Certified Angus Beef ® Prime.

CAB Insider

Seasonal Shifts in Beef Item Demand

Seasonal demand shifts for different cuts constantly change the percentage of total carcass value that each cut represents. Often those changes are subtle, but January is typically characterized by more dramatic adjustments with contribution from several cuts shifting total carcass value.

2024 Regional Premiums and Discounts

Launched in early August 2024, the USDA’s Live Cattle Mandatory Reporting dashboard is still a relatively new tool. The purpose of the web platform is to keep market participants informed of trends in price distribution across regions and between differing quality and yield classes of cattle.

Holiday Demand Lift

The boxed beef market is nearing the conclusion of the final price push for high demand middle meats. The window is quickly closing on wholesale orders that will ship in time for consumers to shop ahead of the Christmas holiday.

Success Stories

From Modest Beginnings to Excellence

From Modest Beginnings to Excellence

Gilchrist Farm recently received the 2024 Certified Angus Beef Canadian Commitment to Excellence award. This prestigious honor recognizes their exceptional achievements in high-quality Angus genetics and management. Over the years, they have transformed their operation by embracing superior Angus genetics. Their commitment to high standards and innovative practices has distinguished them as a model of excellence in the industry.

From White House to Farmhouse

From White House to Farmhouse

At Pleasant Valley Farm in Brookville, MD, four generations of the Stabler family have blended tradition and innovation to create a thriving, diversified Angus operation. Honored with the Ambassador Award at the 2024 Certified Angus Beef (CAB) Annual Conference, the Stablers exemplify a commitment to sustainable farming, community engagement and educational outreach. Their significant contributions to the hosting on behalf of the CAB brand highlight their commitment and play a key role in receiving this award.

What’s Good for the Cattle, Is Good for the Wetlands

What’s Good for the Cattle, Is Good for the Wetlands

JY Ferry & Son, Inc., named the 2024 Certified Angus Beef Sustainability Award winner, exemplifies how sustainability in agriculture can bridge quality beef production, land stewardship, and wildlife management. At JY Ferry & Son, what’s good for the cattle is good for the wetlands—and good for the next generation of this multi-generational family business.

Consumer Connection

More Than Steak and Potatoes

More Than Steak and Potatoes

Yesterday’s steak and baked potato is today’s beef brisket from the restaurant downtown. The food scene is changing, driven by a new age of consumers who want more. They seek new flavors and attributes on the packaging, but still expect beef to taste great.

2022 Was as Predicted

2022 Was as Predicted

If there was a lesson in 2022, it was that the beef market is very sensitive to declines in quality grade, as evidenced through price signals. It’s the first time in recent history where we’ve gone backwards — albeit ever so slightly — and customers are telling us they have unfulfilled demand. That’s reflected in the premiums paid, and that’s saying something after two years of extremely high premiums.

Growing Marketability

Growing Marketability

Advertised as the “Best Angus Beef” and “If it’s not Certified, it’s not the Best,” Certified Angus Beef’s reputation claims elite category status. To remain in that position, the brand must continue to deliver on that promise as customer expectations of quality evolve.