
2022 Was as Predicted

Date: Feb 08 2023

About the brand & Cattle Markets & Consumer Connection & Consumer Feature & Premium Potential

If there was a lesson in 2022, it was that the beef market is very sensitive to declines in quality grade, as evidenced through price signals. It’s the first time in recent history where we’ve gone backwards — albeit ever so slightly — and customers are telling us they have unfulfilled demand. That’s reflected in the premiums paid, and that’s saying something after two years of extremely high premiums.

The Cattle Market Teacher

Date: Aug 10 2022

Big Thinkers & Cattle Markets

Part intuition, part learned experience and a growing database gave Randy Blach the tools to communicate to producers what the market demands. The bottom line is consistently front and center, his mission is to keep more cattlemen and women on the land, doing what they do best.

The idea that worked

Date: Oct 04 2021

Big Thinkers & Cattle Markets & Premium Potential

“So, if we make sure the humans can be prosperous and survive, that’s what sustainability is,” Mark Gardiner says. “That is the opportunity that USPB gave our family and thousands more all across the United States.” It’s why USPB earned the 2021 CAB Progressive Partner award.