Cattle Marketing
Topping the cattle market requires more than just good looking livestock. In today’s marketplace, it takes an animal that combines nearly ideal physical conformation with detailed data.
If you believe you have above-average cattle, don’t settle for average prices. Since 1997, packers have paid nearly $1 billion in grid premiums for cattle that meet the Certified Angus Beef ® brand’s quality standards. That annual number had grown to $92 million by 2019, at an average of $50 per head, not counting the related premiums for Choice and Prime.
Market to capture your share of the premiums.
Communicate the value
There’s more to your cattle than meets the eye. Investing time to collecting and promoting the data behind your calves can help connect them with partners who recognize the potential of your program and genetics. Make sure you get paid for the added value in your cattle by using one of the corresponding programs or tools to help communicate their market value.
Certified Angus Beef ® brand Natural
Information adds value. Cattlemen who raise Angus-type calves with detailed records that document no implants, antibiotics or animal-derived feeds used in production and still meet all brand specifications can qualify for Certified Angus Beef ® brand Natural. Currently Tyson, National Beef and Niman Ranch produce the more than 6 million pounds of Certified Angus Beef ® brand Natural sold each year.