Marketing Your Angus Bulls
The first step to qualifying for the Certified Angus Beef ® (CAB®) brand is a solid genetic foundation. For a quality-focused Angus seedstock business, it only makes sense to link to the world-class branded beef program that you own. Doing so with a plan can help build relationships and make everybody in the chain more money.
The root of CAB’s mission is to build demand for registered Angus cattle. We do that through a specification-based, superior beef product, but we also work to help those dollars flow back to cattlemen at all levels of production.
One of the best ways to help capture some of the CAB premium is by marketing Angus bulls with genetic potential to perform from pasture to plate. Leverage the marketing materials below to tell the story of how you target CAB.
Scroll down below to download the logo and use it in your sale book.
The Targeting the Brand™ Logo
There’s more data than ever available on today’s sire prospects. As commercial producers try to balance numerous traits in sire selection, help your customers easily find bulls with added carcass value. The Targeting the Brand™ logo does the math, simplifying the selection process.
The logo can be used on any registered Angus bull with a minimum marbling EPD (Marb) of +0.65 and an Angus Grid Value Index ($G) of +55 or higher.
Why these numbers?
Sire-identified carcass data from more than 8,600 records in the American Angus Association database show these minimum thresholds for Marb and $G achieve an average of 50% CAB acceptance. While a sire’s genetic potential only accounts for a portion of marbling performance in a calf crop, these benchmarks provide commercial cattlemen a starting place to identify genetics that will go on to bring performance premiums on quality beef grids. Cattlemen choosing to make more significant carcass advancement or those already achieving 50% or higher CAB acceptance may set bull selection criteria above Targeting the Brand™ baselines.
Rules for Use
Download the logo and corresponding sale catalog inserts to leverage the brand in your seedstock marketing efforts. The logo should only be used to identify individuals or groups of bulls that meet the genetic benchmarks. Include the Targeting the Brand™ logo advertisement (available in half- and full-page format) in your sale catalog to help customers look for the logo understand its significance. If unable to fit one of the sale catalog inserts into your book please use the corresponding text provided in your email download package.
Only sales promoting registered Angus bulls are eligible for use of the Targeting the Brand™ logo.
Stucky Success
A Targeting the Brand™ logo has appeared in Stucky sale catalogs as a selection aid for customers since 2011.
“We decided we were going to ride for the brand in every way possible,” Stucky says. Targeting the Brand™ entails much more than simply raising cattle that can grade.
Some Stucky customers sell calves at weaning but an increasing share participate in the backgrounding and finishing phases to get more return on their investment in genetics. The 200 Circle-S-Bar bulls sold annually and their average productive life means they generate up to 20,000 commercial Angus calves each year.
More Ways the Brand Can Help on Sale Day
Serve Certified Angus Beef ® brand
Serve your customers the best Angus beef by becoming a CAB licensee for a day. We’ll help connect you to a brand supplier and provide a free promotion kit to share the brand story just like it would be seen in a restaurant.
To become a licensee for a day, you must only serve Certified Angus Beef ® brand at your event and submit an application form at least three weeks prior to sale day. Contact us to license for a day at your next ranch event.
Share Your Pride
Want to represent the brand all day every day? Need a new idea for customer appreciation gifts? Want the exact steak knives we use at The Culinary Center? Shop Certified Angus Beef ® merchandise for all your apparel, gift and culinary brand needs.
Customer Resources
Looking for the perfect piece to explain how commercial cattlemen can target the brand? Our library of resources is available to help you tell the brand story. From carcass grading to a small handout that explains how the brand works, we can provide print materials for your next on-farm or ranch event. Contact us at least three weeks prior to your event to ensure on-time shipment arrival.