Raised with Respect™ Rewards Producers with Current BQA Certificates
Get BQA’d at Cattle Con to be eligible for Greeley Hat Works giveaway.
by Morgan Boecker
January 27, 2025
Taking care of your herd is part of the job of every stockman, and it’s the right thing to do. While you’re not committed to cattle care for recognition, you could be rewarded for holding a current Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) certification.
Through two incentive opportunities, Certified Angus Beef (CAB) and Sysco are recognizing producers who go above and beyond to show commitment to their herd.
Raised with Respect™, a campaign that highlights a shared commitment to cattle care through BQA, is a partnership between Certified Angus Beef (CAB) and Sysco. It elevates the cattle industry’s work to address consumer concerns about animal welfare and reinforce trust in producers, which helps to ensure future demand for beef.
“By partnering with Sysco and collaborating with National Cattlemen’s Beef Association at Cattle Con, we are able to support and recognize producers who value continued education,” says Kirsten Nickles, Ph.D., CAB sustainability and animal care scientist. “Because CAB has relationships with every segment of the beef supply chain, we value the opportunity to come alongside BQA education at Cattlemen’s College.”
Get BQA’d at Cattle Con
During Cattle Con 2025, producers can become eligible to win two Greeley Hat Works custom pure beaver felt hats and hat cans while in San Antonio.
One Greeley Hat Works giveaway will go to a Cattle Con attendee who gets BQA certified during the BQA Certification: Rise to the Top session on Thursday, February 6 from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. in the Demo Arena in the NCBA Trade Show.
The other hat giveaway will go to an attendee who attends Continuing Education (CE) sessions during Cattlemen’s College on Wednesday, February 5. To qualify, you must attend at least one session that counts towards CE credits and submit the questionnaire distributed at each session. To renew a BQA certificate at Cattle Con, you must attend three CE sessions as denoted by the BQA logo on the Cattlemen’s College schedule at Convention.NCBA.org/Education/Cattlemens-College.
Continuing Education was designed to renew a BQA certificate through credits achieved online at BQA.org or available sessions during Cattlemen’s College. This renewal option is only available to those who obtained a BQA certificate in the last four years. Anyone who has not been BQA’d in the last four years must attend an in-person BQA certification or complete the online modules.
The two winners of the Greeley Hat Works custom hats will be randomly selected by CAB at the conclusion of the BQA certification session on Thursday in the Demo Arena. Winners do not need to be present to claim the vouchers.
Enter the Raised with Respect™ Sweepstakes
To recognize cattlemen and women who go the extra step to show their commitment to cattle care through BQA certification, CAB and Sysco are holding the Raised with Respect™ Sweepstakes. Anyone who submits a current BQA certificate by February 14 is entered to win a John Deere Gator™. The giveaway includes the 845R – XUV 845R John Deere Premium Cab Crossover Utility Vehicle.
The winner will randomly be selected at 3:00 p.m. Eastern on February 14 and contacted to set up the order and delivery details, expecting to receive the Gator™ in late spring.
Everyone who enters a current BQA certificate will receive beef sticks from CAB. Those who enter and do not win will remain in the running for a final giveaway this spring.
Not certified and unable to attend Cattle Con? Get BQA’d online in just a few hours at BQA.org.
Review the Sweepstakes Rules at cabcattle.com/RaisedWithRespect. Must live in the contiguous U.S., be 18 or older and have a current BQA certificate to be eligible.
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