Certified Angus Beef regularly collects data on millions of fed cattle to discover how cattlemen can capture more value for high-quality carcasses beginning on the ranch. When black-hided cattle don’t earn the CAB stamp, it’s most often for missing the mark in marbling, HCW, REA and backfat.
Not every ranch, pen or feedlot is alike or ideally suited to handle the same class of cattle. Here is a 12-point checklist of ways cattlemen can help themselves when selecting a feedyard.
Backgrounding calves can open gates to new revenue paths, though not without risk. When more cattle are sent to the grazing fields or grow yards, there’s a shift in the seasonal pattern of the market and more opportunity to take advantage of better prices.
For the 70% or more of beef calves born last spring, more than the usual share veered from traditional roads to the feedyard come fall. Backgrounding those calves opened gates to several new revenue paths, though not without risk.
Choosing a feedyard is a bit like selecting a life partner. Feedyards offer different marketing opportunities and strategies. A manager should be able to look at a customer’s pen and know, “I have a good market for those cattle. I can handle it.”
He’s a sixth generation farmer and grew up on a cattle farm and apple orchard. She’s a past chemistry teacher but now works full-time on the farm with her husband. Together, they closely manage their bottom line.
Many cattlemen have an idea of how grid marketing works, but might still have some questions as they’re digging through carcass data. Paul Dykstra will present a free webinar, “Understanding grid marketing and carcass data,” on January 21, 2021 at 1:30 p.m. CST.
“Nobody likes to hear this in the middle of a trial, but it seems often true in life and business: the thing that feels so hard now, won’t always feel hard.” Miranda’s Black Ink® column for November touches on the idea of growth, and how it often feels better in hindsight.
“Change is inevitable, success is optional,” David Rutan says. That positive philosophy applied to everything from good morning to great cattle only begins to tell why Morgan Ranches earned the 2020 Certified Angus Beef Commercial Commitment to Excellence award.
“Value” in feeder calf marketing is a relative term. All calves have some and the trick is to capture your share, said Paul Dykstra. Success is rooted in your customers he said. Customer changes through the supply chain from feeder, to packer to consumer.
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