feeding quality forum 2018
The 13th annual Feeding Quality Forum in Sioux City, Iowa, offered new insight on a variety of topics, from a detailed market outlook to consumer perceptions of the beef industry. Feedyard managers also shared their ideas on employee management. Producing quality beef and feed sample testing were also discussed. Hear from the speakers, read news coverage and download the presentations below.
Speaker summaries and news
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dan basse - politics, trade and beef outlook
President of AgResource, Dan Basse shared what factors are impacting the cattle markets now and into the future.
brian vanderley - vaccination timing
University of Nebraska Lincoln researcher Brian Vander Ley explained the importance of stratigically vaccinating feeder cattle.
Dale Blasi - Limit Feeding as an option to optimize
Kansas State University animal scientist, Dale Blasi shared how to reduce inputs while rising profits.
Paul Walz - Weaning Vaccine Selection
Jeff Heldt - Vitamin & Mineral Formulations
Beef Technical Services Manager for Micronutrients, USA, Jeff Heldt shares current and future considerations for vitamin and mineral formulations.
Paul Dykstra - Grid Marketing
Grid marketing is nothing new to feeders, but what about the commercial cattleman’s perspective? Paul Dykstra, beef cattle specialist for Certified Angus Beef shares what cow-calf producers need to know.
Rick Funston - Heifer Development
Reproductive Physiologist for the University of Nebraska Lincoln, Rick Funston shares how to create profitable heifer development systems in your operation.