cutting a steak

Beef demand demands taste

June 1, 2011

If it’s been said once, it’s been said a thousand times: People eat beef because it tastes great. 

We know that beef is an important part of a healthy, nutrient rich diet. But the fact of the matter is, we’re willing to pay more (130% more than chicken; 29% more than pork, in fact) for beef because we love how it tastes.

We love the simplicity of throwing a steak on the grill. We relish in a great steak’s ability to stand on its own: no need for special marinades, rubs or long preparation. Great steaks shun ketchup-abusers, and chef and grillmaster gloat in compliments on their expertise while watching the meat sizzle over hot coals. Steak-lovers have a fascination with our product that is based on all these sensory factors.

But if we fail at delivering that incredible product, even once, those former steak lovers will never forget. Case in point: ever had a terribly tough, dry steak at a restaurant? Ever go back to that restaurant for steak again? Didn’t think so. Ever had one of those less-than-stimulating eating experiences and wondered, *gulp,* what if that steak came from my ranch?

All these things that drive demand and prices for our product begin at the ranch. If people are going to spend 130% more to buy a steak over a bland ol’ chicken breast,it better be a steak that garners compliments for its incredible tenderness,juiciness and robust flavor.

Take a listen to what Dr. Corah has to say about the cattle production factors that influence quality eating experiences and what that means to demand for our industry:


From those increased quality grades and CAB acceptance numbers, it’s clear our industry is moving in the right direction and listening more to consumer demand.

Have you altered any management strategies to increase carcass quality in your herd lately? Does the thought of a great consumer eating experience factor in to your daily management decisions on the ranch? We’re dying to hear the individual success stories that have moved that quality needle over the course of the last five years, and we commend your efforts in doing such!


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